PCBs are sensitive electronic equipment that are very susceptible to corrosion. 75% of micro-electronic failure is caused due to corrosion. The impact of Nox, Sox and otherVOCs along with humidity and given the poor air quality in most cities and industrial areas makes equipment very suseptible to corrosion. It is especially worse in areas with close proximity to landfill sites, sewage drains and excess vehicular exhaust. Spectrum carbon filters and media helps ensure consistent uptime through shielding the electronic equipment from corrosive gases.



"One of the most crucial and important factors to take into account when constructing an air quality system is the air handling unit (AHU). To maintain good indoor air quality at all times, you have to choose the right filter for your specific AHU. The proper air filters for your air handling unit (AHU) will keep your business operating at a profit, guarantee food safety, keep the air your employees breathe clean and free of contaminants, help you save money, and extend the life of your HVAC system.

Molecular Filtration

Molecular Filtration

Corrosion is the main cause of failures for electronic components.Molecules are typically 1,000 to 10,000 times smaller than the most penetrating particles that pass through HEPA and ULPA filters. Molecular filtration takes care of NOX, SOX and other VOCs in all environment protecting, people, processes and machinery.